Dream Rythm, Dance Music

Dream Rythm Dance Music Band Dream Rythm, Dance Music LP (Asia, 19??)
Ahhh there is part of me that would love to trade all my rock & roll records for stacks of Asian noir, exotica, and pop from the 1950s and 60s (and I am sure that there is some Japanese record collector who would gladly take me up on it - no deal!). Whether the tunes are from Hong Kong, Tokyo, or Bangkok, the mix of Asian rythms (sic), melodies, and instruments with American jazz, soundtrack music, pop, and rock & roll is one of the best collisions in modern music. While some of these records are done by name artists, in the tradition of the cheapie labels that inspired them, many of these disks are done anonymously. Such is the case with Dream Rythm, Dance Music.
A collection of rock & roll, lounge jazz, and Latin interpretations, Dance Rythm is fairly typical of the Asian noir genre. There is an eerie quality to the music, a feeling something like dull sorrow. The playing is not exactly "right." And the instrumentation is atypical for a Western pop record...unless that record was made in the 1940s by the Three Suns, a band who seems to hold sway over many of these groups/producers. The only information on this record in English is the name of the record and song titles. And other than telling you that Asia Records is out of Taiwan, there isn't more to say. Enjoy.