Paul Eluard

Francesca Solleville Paul Eluard EP (Production "la boite a musique", 1969)
Known in France as an interpreter of poets and singer of leftist songs, Francesca Solleville is pretty much a mystery over here in the US. That isn't too big a surprise. Americans are not known for embracing non-Amer/Anglo singers, especially ones who are French commies. Too bad, because there are a lot of cool records from Paris of the 60s and early 70s that mate French music with politics and often rock & roll. Not this one, though. Solleville's Paul Eluard 7" is one of several of her records dedicated to putting French poets and writers to music. Besides Eluard, she's done Genet, Baudelaire, and (the much underrated) Apollinaire. Not all of it is knock out shit, but there are a few tracks on each that stand out. On this one, it is "Couvre Feu" that steals the wax. The other two tracks (out of a total of five on this EP) are good enough for a few listens.
internet is so full of surprises. i'm a "commie french" (!) and i had to read your blog to get to know Francesca Solleville singing the words of Eluard! so as we say: Merci beaucoup!
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