Baby Batter

Harvey Mandel Baby Batter LP (Janus, 1971)
Considering that Harvey Mandel's Baby Batter has several songs with killer funk breaks, is full of hot guitar work, and has musicians such as Big Black and Emil Richards on it, you'd think it would get much more run than it does. But, while not totally obscure, it certainly qualifies as a hidden blues rock gem. And when I write the word "gem" behind "blues rock" please take that seriously, as I wouldn't call myself a fan of the genre. I don't hate it, but you rarely find it at the top of the listening pile. Some exceptions, for sure: I'll never pan early ZZ Top records (or really any ZZ Top record). Absolutely no reservation in putting on an Ansley Dunbar Retaliation album. The first Loading Zone record is a gem. But beyond that, I tread lightly. Yeah, I am sure one of you schmoes is gonna give me a list of blues rock to look for. Thank you, in advance, now can I have a couple over medium with some sour dough toasted and buttered? Maybe, my reservation about blues rock is universal, which is why you don't hear much rattle about this record. Perhaps Mandel's former gig in Canned Heat is a scarlet letter. I dunno. I picked this record up because "Baby Batter" is slang of cum and it is on Janus Records, a label which has some great moments and is worth checking out.
King Rugrat
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