Drag Beat

The De-Fenders Drag Beat LP (Del-Fi, 1964)
Aha! Crud Crud is back with some fresh meat! Took some unexpected time off. Life and getting the next issue of Z Gun together. During that time, I gave this gem of an album a lot of spins and, man, what a great surf/hot rod instrumental jam this is!
Who are the De-Fenders? I dunno. I am sure I could spend some time and get some names for you, but they will be a bunch of LA session guys that neither you or I have ever heard of, but have probably heard a thousand times before. What you need to know is that this pup is on Del-Fi and Del-Fi's track record (ha ha, track record get it....uh) on the rock & roll instro is pretty damn good.
So here are my three favorites. "Deuces Wild" is pretty much your straight forward garage instro, except that it has a nice R&B edge and gobs of great sound effects. Some internet idge says "Taco Truck" is a rip of Harry Belafonte. Nah. Well, maybe a little but this shit is also a West Coast grab of the East Coast Puerto Rican R&B craze ALA Jimmy Castor as well as a twist on Hollywood swinger anthems like "Music to Watch Girls By." And then there is the drum crazed "Drag Beat," a song I will let speak for itself.
Did you post some of this stuff last year? I seem to have some different tunes in my iTunes file, but Drag Beat is one of them.
Last summer I used my laptop for an alarm clock when I had to get up early to help a buddy dig holes in the street. (City plumber gig.) I had a hotrod playlist to get me out of bed. The De-Fenders were there, but the opening track was Rev-Up! by Manuel & the Renegades ("Rev-Up!
Vroom Vroom") and I know I got that from you.
Found this on the web:
And thanks for helping me to get to work on time.
and for the sake of namedropping here are some hot-rod singles that worth your time. btw, half of these are surf bands that jumped of the hot rod fad.
-gamblers - teen machine
-dave myers and the surftones - gear
-opus 1 - back seat 38 dodge
-arlen sanders and the pacifics - hopped up mustang
-star tones - the chase
-road runners - road runnah
-pyramids - midnight run
-lances - when johnny comes draggin' home
-venturas - ram charger
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