The Impossibles

The Impossibles s/t LP (Metro, 1970?)
Before I go on, take a look at the record cover and savor the sight of that recording studio. Unless, they are covered in layer and layers of dust and grime - forgotten to time, revolutions, and technological shifts - studios like that do not exist any more. Too bad, because the sound that came out of place like that pictured above is one that can't be captured by the digital gear modern day studios are stocked with. Believe me, I know. I've spent far too many hours trying to chase after analogue tones in a digital world. It can't be done. Give me an ancient board that looks like it was used to launch rockets in the Mercury Program and keep you goddamn pro-tools to your self.
That said, if not for the digital age, it would have taken me far longer than an evening to find out that The Impossibles are legends in their native Thailand. Referred to by some as the "Thai Beatles", they formed in 1970 and were one of the first Thai bands to cover Western pop songs. In an essay on Thai pop, Michael Hayes notes that The Impossibles were playing against the backdrop of the Vietnam War, a Thai military dictatorship, and revolutionary turmoil in their own country. While students and rebels listened to pleng phua cheewit - a form of protest music called "music for live" in English, The Impossibles were the soundtrack to the apolitical middle class. And given their sound - which would have passed as sunshine pop in the US - their audience is not surprising. Because they covered American pop songs, The Impossibles were also popular with American GI's, which probably explains why I was able to dig up a copy of this record here in the States.
I can't tell you anything about this record other than what I can guess from the vintage of the recording studio and the threads our young mods are wearing. What I know is that they are fancy dressers and that three of them look hip enough to slime their way though Williamsburg, Silverlake, or the Mission. What I don't know is the names of these guys or the song titles. Everything on the record other than the band name and the names of the instruments, is in Thai.
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