Share My Love

The Cajun Kings Share My Love b/w She Cried 45 (Valon, 196?)
Here is an obscure one! Damn if I know anything about the band or the label other than Valon also put out a couple albums by the guy who produced this thing, Keith Williams. Looking at the Williams titles, safe to say that the guy wasn't a popster but rather headed up a jazz quintet and a big band. I don't know if he owned the label or was just a producer/musician. I also have no idea if he produced anything else.
In my searching for info on the Cajun Kings, I've found nothing other than listings for "The Cajun Kings of Comedy." I very much doubt that the Kings later turned into a comedy troop. I am guessing by their name that they are from Louisiana, home of their label as wel. I don't know if this was their only release, though I am guessing it is.
So what is this mystery record? Pretty damn tasty Sixties garage pop. No frills here. No novelties. No gimmicks. No wacked out story that we at Crud wallow in. Nope. The Cajun Kings are about straight ahead pop with a garage edge. Please enjoy.