Doo Boo Doo Boo Za

Ya'ssoo Doo Boo Doo Boo Za b/w Tsamico Horos 45 (Gorgona, 19???)
Better than a novelty record is a novelty record in a language that you understand no word of, for then the novelty song becomes less of a novelty and more something of wonder. Such is the case with Ya'ssoo's Doo Boo Doo Boo Za. And as fun as Doo Boo... is it is topped by the B-side, which, as standard with most novelty records, is an instrumental. Like Doo Boo.. Tsamico Horos is recorded on a budget and thank god! As a result, it has a raw, edgy sound.
I know very little about this record other than the people who did it were from San Mateo, California and that they probably are of Greek blood. There is nothing to indicate what date this was made but if I had to guess, I'd say early 70s. Maybe late 60s but, hell, this could have been cut in the 1980s.
This is the first time I visit your blog, and what a surprise! You welcome me with a Greek record.
Allow me to add some info about the song "Doo Boo Doo Boo Za":
I was 18 as the song came out. It’s a satirical song written by the Greek composer Yannis Markopoulos. It first appeared on record in 1975, just after the fall of the junta, in an LP called “Anexartita” (=Independent songs), sung by Lakis Chalkias and the late Greek rock icon, Pavlos Sidiropoulos. The song was an instant hit and it appeared the same year in at least three different versions by Themis Andreadis, Giorgos Marinos, and the comic actor Kostas Voutsas.
The version you post here comes definitely from the same period (mid-70’s).
Markopoulos has written serious music, but also a few funny, satiric songs during the junta years. One of them was called "I’m going to live in the jungle with Tarzan", a hit single satirizing the dictatorship. This one here could be seen as a second part, talking again about the jungle, animals, cannibals etc.
Greetings from Athens, Greece
It was always a very popular
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