Soul Zone '65 (Shhh Pt 4)

Googie Rene Combo Soul Zone '65 b/w Wild Bird 45 (Class, 1965)
When I decided to post this one I had no idea that Ace had issued a CD of Googie Rene's stuff. That is not going to stop me from posting these two. Soul Zone is comped on the CD (Wham! Bam!), but Wild Bird, my favorite of the two, isn't.
Googie Rene was a keyboardist out of Los Angeles. He has a number of singles on his father's record label, Class, but no major hits. His "combo" included Johnny Guitar Watson, Jimmy Nolan, Earl Palmer and others. And his sound is pretty consistent - an odd mix of jazz, exotica, & R&B. I pick Googie 45s up whenever I find them and might just take a looksee at that CD.
Have a happy new year!