Krosskut Sawwwwww

Sierra Altoids Krosskut Sawwwwww 7" (Nevada County Dept. of Social Sciences, 1983)
Though this record was recorded and released just 50 miles north east of Sacramento, in the Nevada County, Sierra Nevada foothills town of North San Juan, I don't know a whole hell of a lot about it. One of my best friends is from up in thems hills so I queried her and her reply was that the people who did the record were pretty hardcore partiers and she wouldn't be surprised if they were either 1. Dead, or 2. Living in their cars. Whatever the case, this one shot four piece had enough ______ in them to turn out a great one-of-a-kind song. I've heard all kinds of music and tons of novelty songs but this is the only song I know of where the lead instrument is a chain saw and one of the few that was recorded in a parking lot. The one name that appears over and over in the credits is Mike Meals (whose father has written two fantastic guides to the Yuba River) so I assume that Mr Meals was the one so obsessed with this song that he made damn sure that the world heard it. I don't know how many of these were made or how many got out of Northern California. The only reference I found online was a playlist for a radio show on KDVS, a Northern Californian college station.
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