My Girl

Charles McCullough & the Silks My Girl (Dooto, 1961)
What I know about Charles McCullough I could tell you in 2 seconds. Ready? He has a great voice and he had a band called the Silks. I also know that I very rarely spend more than $10 on a record and hardly ever more than $5 on a 45. So far I have spent $26 on Charles McCullough's My Girl. The first time I bought it I shelled out a dollar. The record was trashed and when buying it I had no idea what besides surface noise was in the groove. I was so knocked out by My Girl that I searched and searched for a clean copy of it. One day I walked into what was to become my favorite record store and the owner asked if there was a particular record that I was looking for. I said I wanted a Charles McCullough single. He said he had one but it was $25. I looked at it and bought it. He asked which song I was buying it for. I replied My Girl and he noted that that is the song. And it is.
McCullough starts off with a great yelp, gets smooth and then soars. Between hiccups, cries, and yelps, he lays down some of the most soulful vocals I've heard. I've played this record hundreds of times and it always sends chills through me. No frills here, just vocals, a piano and a snare drum. This is perfection. I hope you enjoy it.