Yuletide Greetings

V/Vm & Friends Turkey 7" (V/Vm Test, 1998)
I knew nothing about V/Vm until I found three of their 7"s for 50 cents each in a clearance bin in a Denver record store. It was in the middle of a road trip so I didn't get to hear them until I got home, but when I got a chance to drop the needle on the record I was very pleased with what I found. And what did I find? The Pig , Stuffing, and Turkey 7" eps. All released for the holiday season, the Christmas 7"s are outrageous, funny, smart, and listenable. Unlike many of thier "noise" and experimental contemporaries, V/Vm have a sense of humor. They might play rough (earning them a few scoldings by The Wire) but they play smart and they play smart ass, and that is fine with me. Their friends also share those traits. That said, I am proud to present to you as the first of five Christmas music posts V/Vm & Friends.
Stock, Hausen & Walkman,
a take-off on the name of Britain's hitmaking schlock-meisters Stock, Aitkan and Waterman. And a pedantic merry christmas to you!
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