You Only Live Twice

Dean & His Celebrities You Only Live Twice 45 (Randy's, 196??)
Even though it says it on the label, I never knew how long this song was until I recorded it tonight. Being that it tops five minutes and that I've listened to it a hundred times, that I never checked my watch while listening to it should be an endorsement in itself.
I picked this up in a thrift store because...hell, it was there, that's why. I put it on and by the end was completely sold on it. I flipped it and heard something completely different: rocksteady ala Byron Lee & the Dragonaires but with a Latin twist to it (it is a Joe Loco song, that is why). Okay. I left it at that.
A couple years later, I was ordering some records through a reggae distributor and noticed a lot of 45s on the Randy's Records label. I learn that Randy's was a New York label that repressed a lot of Jamacian music for sale mostly in New York City. That explained the rocksteady song (Elcalardo). What was even stranger is that up until a couple years ago it was still available. It shouldn't be too hard to track down.
And really that is all I can tell you other than Dean is Dean Boynes and he plays guitar and that the song you are about to hear is a cover of the theme from the James Bond movie of the same name.